If you’re like most of America, you were hit financially by the pandemic and all the ensuing economic and financial crisis that rippled out from it. Many Americans ate through all of their savings. Some pivoted to depending on credit cards or cashing in their retirement plans. Business owners - those whose businesses survived the shutdown- had to redefine and reposition themselves just to stay afloat.

Wherever you were in January of 2020, you’re probably thinking differently about work, investments, and money on this side of the crisis. If you’re ready to stop living in the crisis, however, consider some of these ideas to get you moving in the right direction.

Eliminate Debt

Do your best to avoid new debt and eliminate existing debt - especially high interest loans or credit cards. Debt entraps you…especially in season of economic hardship.

Reduce Debt

Start paying off your debt now, so that you’re better equipped for crisis next time. Start with your smallest loan or balance and attack it. When it’s paid off, take what iou were paying on that one and apply it to your next debt…on top of what iou are paying on it already.

Rain Day Fund

Try to set aside a bit of money each month so that you’re ready with a few months of reserves in case of unexpected financial hardship. The experts say six months is ideal…but truthfully anything is better than what most Americans are prepared with now.

Investing and Retirement

Start. That’s the best advice we can come up with. If you haven’t set up your retirement plan of investment accounts, start. If you haven’t talked about your finances or your budget needed to make retirement possible, start. Today’s the day. Start.


We can’t always know what is to come. But we can be ready for it when it does come. No matter how the past economic season hit you, make this the time to move forward on a different path, one where your financial life is built on solid ground.

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